The Sound of Fear- Dan Blumstein
The video that I found focusses on the use of sound in horror films and how it is engineered to cause fear. During the video, Dan Blumstein references marmots (small rodents) and how they use their voices to crate distress calls. He conducted an experiment where he graphed the frequency of the distress calls. After the research experiment, he found that the distress calls were a result of short, high frequency bursts of sound, usually consisting of high pitches. One of the key findings of this experiment is the reaction, he had to the distress calls. Blumstein found that the distress calls cause a fearful reaction from human e.g. dropping the marmot.
To strengthen his findings, Blumstein conducted further research into animal distress calls and graphed the frequency/time results. This exploration found that the data recorded from the marmot distress calls were replicated across other species. The repeated results of non-linear sounds create a fearful reaction in humans because it activates our fight or flight instinct to respond.
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