Sunday, 30 October 2016

Pagan God Link- Sinister

Image result for moloch demon

Pagan God Link- Sinister

Throughout Sinister, the characters are under constant threat from a Pagan deity known as Buguul. Although the film presents Buguul as real, he does not actually appear in Pagan myth, however, there are some key characteristics which are shared between Buguul and documented Pagan deities. One of the main gods that Buguul shares traits with is Moloch who is known as the 'Devourer of Children'. Moloch is an ancient god ,who was worshipped through child sacrifice and exists in the Hebrew Bible. “You shall not give any of your children to devote them by fire to Moloch, and so profane the name of your God” (Leviticus 18:21).
Image result for abyzou

Additional links are found to the goddess, Abyzou, who was nicknamed the 'Taker of Children'. In Greek and Hebrew myths, she was claimed to be responsible for infant mortality and miscarriages as a result of her own envy.

Similarly, Buguul's main purpose is to possess and devour the souls of children in order to survive. He lives in the super 8 film reels which hold power over anyone who watches them, eventually causing the youngest child to kill the entire family after being tricked into doing so by Buguul. Buguul then takes the child's soul , forever trapping them in his netherworld.

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